General Informations
TSV Hof 1861 - Rhythmic Gymnastics-
Jahnstraße 5
95030 Hof / Saale
Tel.: +49 9281 / 2402
Fax: +49 9281 / 7533773
Jahnhalle Hof
Jahnstraße 5
95030 Hof / Saale
Day of arrival &Training 27.09.2019
Competition 28.09.2019
Day of departure 29.09.2019
Individual competition - Level A & B
Gymnastics is under the sign of the international code of points scoring
from 2017-2020
Babies - Born 2012 and later without apparatus
Mini - Born 2011 without apparatus + 1 apparatus of choice
Children - Born 2010 without apparatus + 1 apparatus of choice
Pre-Juniors A - Born 2009 - 2007 2 apparatus of choice
Juniors A - Born 2006 - 2004 2 apparatus of choice
Seniors A - Born 2003+ 2 apparatus of choice
Pre-Juniors B - Born 2009 - 2007 2 apparatus of choice
Juniors B - Born 2006 - 2004 2 apparatus of choice
Seniors B - Born 2003+ 2 apparatus of choice
Delegation: x gymnast, 1 coach and 2 judges
When reporting, please indicate with the apparatus, the category and the level!
Maximum number of gymnasts 120. Subsequent notifications will not be considered.
To participate at the 12th Rudolf Lion Cup you have to registrate on our Registration Side on this Webpage.
After registration you get access to login where you are able to sign in the gymnasts.
Deadline for application 08.09.2019
If there are problems please first read the FAQ and after that contact us with the contact formular or our E-Mail adress
For each notification, every club has to report two judges.
A cancellation fee of 15,- € is per unreported judge to be paid.
Warm up
8:00 am
9:30 am
Judges meeting
8:30 am
Entry fee
25, - € per gymnast (for the first 6)
30, - € per gymnast (for the 7th,8th ...)
To pay at the competition hall in cash.
Free practice on Friday from 15:00 pm -21:00 pm (no registration required)
Trophies for places 1 – 3
Each participant receives a certificate and a gift
Special tribute to the oldest and youngest gymnast
Indoor use
Inside the hall you have to wear clean shoes.
No shoes with high/spike heels.
After your registration you will get a seperate E-Mail with a Link for uploading
the gymnasts music and instructions how to name them.
Each club is responsible for organizing, booking and payment of his room.
Cost absorption
We will not give any commitment concerning the assumption of the costs during your stay in Germany!
All participating delegations are responsible for having the necessary coverage against accidents and illness.
Shuttle Service
There is a shuttle service on the day of arrival (27.09.2019) frrom the
station Hof to the accommodations.
On 28.09.2019 from the accommodation to competition hall and back.
On the day of departure (29.09.2019) from the accommodations to the station Hof.
If required, please indicate in the notification date, time and number of people.
On 28.09.2019 after the competition for all gymnasts, coaches and judges.
The payment for the buffet is included in the entry fee.
Accompanying persons pay 5, - € local.
You have to take care of meal on your own the other days.
The way to the center of Hof
From the competition venue is about a 10 minute walk to downtown.
Maps are at the entrance of the competition hall.